Workshops 3
  Workshops 4
  Workshops 2
  Workshops 1

Applied Mathematics & Modeling Laboratory

الجمهوريــــة الجزائريـــــة الديمقراطيـــــــــة الشعبيـــــة
People's Democratic Republic of Algeria
وزارة التعليـم العالــي و البحث العلمـي
Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research
جامعـة الاخوة منتوري قسنطينة
Brothers Mentouri University of Constantine
كلية العلوم الدقيقة — قسم الرياضيات
Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Exact Sciences

4th Mathematics National Seminar (4’MNS)
held at Brothers Mentouri University of Constantine, Algeria.
Thursday, June 1, 2023.   

Workshop 4: Participate to the Meeting by following Zoumi

Safia SEFFAH, University of Science and Technology Houari Boumediene.
" On solutions of the Diophantine equation F_n^k F_m^k=2^a+/-1".

Baya LAADJAL, University of Biskra.
"Dynamical Behaviors of a Continuous-Time System with Fractional-Order".

Imane LABIOD , University of Jijel.
"Symmetric Functions of Binary Products of Tribonacci and Tribonacci Lucas nummbers with (p,q)-Numbers".

Tayeb BOUAZIZ, University of Biskra.
"Variational equality and adjoint process for a BDSDE driven by fractional Wiener and standard Brownian motions".

Rebiha SAFFIDINE, University of Setif 1.
"Observability of a class of  an affine hybrid systems".

Maroua MEBARKI, University of Tammanghsset
"Global existence and asymptotic behavior for reaction diffusion systemes with balance Law and nonlinearities non constant sign"

Yasmine MERAH, University of Biskra.
"Comparative Study of the Efficiency of ANSYS Finite Element 'Shell 181' Using Clamped Cylindrical Shell Model".

Sara HAMAIZIA, Polytechnic University of Madrid.
"Lyapunov characteristic Exponents of the fractional Duffing equation".

Noura LAKSACI, University of Adrar
"Some Fixed point theorems for non self operators on non-convex domains of Generalized Banach Spaces under the interior condition".

Mansour BELARBI, University of Mascara.
"Biharmonic curves on Thurston geometry".

Nassima ANANE, University of Setif 1.
"A DC Algorithm for Solving non Uniquely Solvable Absolute Value Equations".

Fatine CHEKIROU, University of Science and Technology Houari Boumediene.
"Dynamic vibration analysis of two Timoshenko beams in the presence of friction".

Zahra AMEUR, University of Science and Technology Houari Boumediene.
"Nonlinear Nabla Variable-order Fractional Discrete Neural Networks: Stability and Stabilization".

Djaouida GUETTAL , University of Setif 1.
"Covering Global Optimization methods for Continuous Functions".

Djemai CHAREF KHODJA, University of Biskra.
"Review of the mathematical concept of visual object tracking".

Sara SMAIL, University of Laghouat.
"Essential approximation pseudospectrum and essential defect pseudospectrum of 2 × 2 block operator matrices".

Widad LOUAFI, University of Bejaia.
"The solutions of the many-body problem by DFT".

Reguia Lamia BOUZARA, University of Science and Technology Houari Boumediene.
"Lattices from codes over finite chain rings".

DAHMANI Abdelkader, University of Mostaganem.
"Estimation of logarithmic order of solutions to higher order linear differential-difference equations with  meromorphic coefficients".

Sara BENATMANE, University of Science and Technology Houari Boumediene.
"DNA based Pseudorandom Key Generation and biological operations for OTP Encryption.".