Workshops 3
  Workshops 4
  Workshops 2
  Workshops 1

Applied Mathematics & Modeling Laboratory

4th Mathematics National Seminar (4’MNS)
held at Brothers Mentouri University of Constantine, Algeria.
Thursday, June 1, 2023.   

Workshop 3: Participate to the Meeting by following Zoumi

Widad KAREK, University of Skikda.
"Well-posedness and exponential stability of a type III thermoelastic bresse system  with distributed delay-time".

Imane DJAIDJA, University of Science and Technology Houari Boumediene.
"General decay of a thermoelastic Bresse system with viscoelastic boundary condition".

Sofiane MAHMOUDI , University of Mostaganem.
"Growth of solutions to linear fractional differential equations with entire coefficients".

Lila IHADDADENE, University of Science and Technology Houari Boumediene.
"On existence and uniqueness of a solution to a nonlinear wave equation with dynamic Wentzell type boundary conditions".

Ala Eddine DRAIFIA, University of Tebessa.
"Exponential decay for a viscoelastic equation with not necessarily decreasing kernel".

Sihem SMATA, University of  Setif 1.
"Frictional contact Problem for Thermoviscoelastic Materials with Internal State Variable and Wear".

Abdelbadie YOUNES,  University of Tlemcen.
"The solvability of some fractional elliptic problems with Hardy potential".

Khalida BENOMAR, University of Sidi Bel-Abbes.
" Uniform stabilisation for a Timoshenko beam system with delays in fractional order internal dampings".

Said BAGHDAD, University of Tiaret.
"Random solutions of sequential fractional differential equations in Fréchet spaces".

Halima KADARI , University of Sidi Bel-Abbes,.
"Existence of solutions for implicit impulsive differential systems with coupled nonlocal conditions".

Imene KHELIFA, University of Annaba.
"Inverse Scattering problem for the Helmotz équation".

Messaouda BEN ATTIA, University of Ouargla.
"Position of a nonlinear evolution dam problem, example and characteristics of its solution".

Laldja BENZIANE, University of Setif 1.
"Analysis of an antiplane Thermo-electro-viscoelastic contact problem with long-term memory".

Kheireddine BIROUD, High School of management of Tlemcen.
"Hardy’s inequalities revisited".

Khadidja MEBARKI, University of Adrar.
"Existence and Uniqueness of Solutions for Coupled Caputo-Fractional Differential System".

Abdelkader Hakim BENHANA, The School of Higher Commercial Studies (EHEC), Koléa, Tipaza..
"Multiplicity of Solutions for Fourth-Order Elliptic Equations with p Laplacian and Mixed Nonlinearity".

Hanane BENKHEDDA, University of Sidi Bel-Abbes.
"A general decay result of a wave equation with a dynamic boundary control of diffusive type".

Tewfik Mohammed GHOMARI, University of Tlemcen.
"Existence results for a p-Laplacian equation on compact Riemannian manifolds".

Imad AIMENE,  University of Tebessi.
"Blow up of solution for a wave equation of p-Laplacian type with damping and sours terms and acoustic boundary conditions".

Siham BOUKARABILA, University of Tlemcen.
"Existence And Uniqueness For A Singular Elliptic Problem".

الجمهوريــــة الجزائريـــــة الديمقراطيـــــــــة الشعبيـــــة
People's Democratic Republic of Algeria
وزارة التعليـم العالــي و البحث العلمـي
Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research
جامعـة الاخوة منتوري قسنطينة
Brothers Mentouri University of Constantine
كلية العلوم الدقيقة — قسم الرياضيات
Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Exact Sciences