Workshops 1
  Workshops 3
  Workshops 4
  Workshops 1
  Workshops 2

Applied Mathematics & Modeling Laboratory

الجمهوريــــة الجزائريـــــة الديمقراطيـــــــــة الشعبيـــــة
People's Democratic Republic of Algeria
وزارة التعليـم العالــي و البحث العلمـي
Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research
جامعـة الاخوة منتوري قسنطينة
Brothers Mentouri University of Constantine
كلية العلوم الدقيقة — قسم الرياضيات
Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Exact Sciences

Hayat LOUHAB, University of Sidi Bel-Abbes.
"Robust kernel regression estimator of the scale parameter for functional data with responses missing at random". 

Farida HAMRANI, University of Tizi Ouzou. 
"Examining the Behavior of the Estimator for the Relative Regression Function through Simulations for Left-Truncated and Dependent Data".

Mohamed Rida SEBA, University of Science and Technology of Oran.
"Combining LSTM and ARIMA for Time Series Forecasting".

Hadjer KEBIR, University of Sidi Bel-Abbes.
"On the nonparametric estimation of the conditional hazard function with a recursive kernel for ergodic data".

Manel El Batoul MERAI,  University of Constantine 1.
"Almost complete convergence of recrusive kernel estimators".

Hiba AIACHI, University of Annaba.
"The inverted Burr X-Lx (IBX-Lx) distribution : Bayesian and Classic Censored Estimation with Comparison".

Zahia AHMEDI EZZOURGUI, University of Science and Technology Houari Boumediene.
"Queueing system with impatient customers and application in Network-on-Chip with constant service time routers".

Imane BOUAZZA, University of Saida.
"Semi-recursive kernel estimation of the conditional density function for censored time series".

Soundes MEKKI,  University of Constantine 1.
"Self-Organising Maps for pattern recognition".

Nourelhouda GROUN, Polytechnic university of Madrid.
"A Data-driven Reduced Order Model for Medical Image Applications".

Ghada ARAFA, University of Annaba.
"Homogeneous Credibility Model and its application".

Omar El Farouk CHERIFI, University of Sidi Bel-Abbes.
"A remark on the Kolmogorov exponential inequality for negatively dependent random variables".

Asma HABCHI, University of Biskra.
"FDA : Local Linear Mode Regression".

Abbassia BENCHIHA, University of Sidi Bel-Abbes.
"Local linear approximate for functional regression with missing data at random: dependent case".

Meriem MEDJIDER, University of Bejaia.
"Stress strength estimator using kernel method".

Soumia RIH, University of Science and Technology Houari Boumediene.
"Some asymptotic properties of the conditional mode under  psi-weak dependence with a real data example".

Asma GHELIEM, University of Science and Technology Houari Boumediene.
"Theoretical optimal Bandwidth selection of the robust regression estimator in associated and left-truncated model".

DJELLADJ wafaa, University of Science and Technology Houari Boumediene.
"Asymptotic normality of a kernel conditional quantile estimator for censored-associated data".

Fahima OUICHER, University of Science and Technology Houari Boumediene.
"Approximation methods for the joint quasi-stationary distribution of the SIR epidemic model".

4th Mathematics National Seminar (4’MNS)
held at Brothers Mentouri University of Constantine, Algeria.
Thursday, June 1, 2023.   

Workshop 2: Participate to the Meeting by following Zoumi

Djilali SEBA, University of Bejaia.
"Fractional models for forecasting time series. Application on Ethereum Capital Market".